
Project Plan | Presentation 1 | Is Trust Too Much To ask For? | Useful Sites | About Me
internet trust
Is Trust Too Much To ask For?

Webster defines trust as the " firm belief in the honesty and reliability of another.." one might ask if it is really neccessary to have all this faith and trust on the internet yet all we do is chat or send emails and view explicit stuff on the internet.
My answer is yes the trust needs to be there not just because it is demanded from any product or service a person pays to recieve but because a lot of things depend on the internet today and as days go by we are getting even more dependent on the internet. The need for the internet has gone beyond limits and now it is the need for high speed and secure internet connections that are motivating service providers to go for more secure and faster connections.
I opened an online trading account and I am using a trial mode to see if I would be comfortable doing the currency trading over the internet. This oppened up mey eyes more and let me see the very many positive things the internet can be used for. People are making millions of dollars online and this is just because they have put more trust on the internet than the average person. opportunities are out there for people who believe. another aspect for the need of trust and security is the fact that very sensitive information is being passed across on the internet. We had had so much about hackers than they deserve and we are not used to diplaying our social security numbers and our cheking account numbers on the front of an envelope when paying our bills. we generally feel like we are doing the same when we are trying to buy stuff online just because we have heard alot about hackers. This is one of the reasons there lacks enought trust in the internet.
Also the ability of a person of any age to access different websites has really had a bad effect on the trust given to the internet. A few years ago, the average American family with teenage children viewed the internet as a tool that is having a big negative effect on their kids mostly because of ponography. It is very true that the internet affected the moral starndards of the society with its introduction but if we dwell on that, again we miss oportunities out there. Today the prescence of firewalls and filters allow some materials to be filtered at all times and sites locked out of reach.

internet histoty

Jack & Eric Social Issues Project